Time to play with some Github. I am new to this ecosystem of DevOps where one can easily fork the content published and modify according to their requirement.
I am learning Kubernetes for the past few months and is preparing for CKA(Certified Kubernetes Administrator). One of the most important parts as per some findings and experience shared by the opensource community is KUBERNETES-THE-HARD-WAY.
It took some time for me to understand this so-called "KUBERNETES". I must say I learned a lot from an online Udemy course Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) with Practice Tests by Mumshad Mannambeth. He is a kind of Gem for this technology.
In this course, labs are available on your web browser with no additional charge and you can spin it N number of times in a day. I have completed all the labs once.
Afterward, I had to get my hands dirty on the Ubuntu terminal to configure the Kubernetes Cluster manually.
Instead of posting it on the blog, I have posted it on Github.
- Prerequisites
- Installing the Client Tools
- Provisioning a CA & Generating TLS Certificates
- Generating Kubernetes Configuration files for Authentication
- Generating the data encryption config and key
- Bootstrapping the etcd cluster
- Bootstrapping the Kubernetes Control Plane
- Bootstrapping the Kubernetes Worker001 Node
- TLS Bootstrapping Worker002 Node
- Deploy Pod Networking
- RBAC for kubelet Authorization
- Deploying DNS for pods
A majot difference in bootstrapping cluster using hard-way and using Kubeadm is:-
In case of Manual Bootstrap:- Kube-Scheduler, Kube-Proxy, Kube-Controller-Manager, etcd, Kube-APIServer are running as a Service
In case of Cluster Bootstrapped using Kubeadm:- All of the components are running as pods under kube-system namespace.
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