Friday, 7 April 2017

no element found line 1 column 0 in vSphere Replication

While working with SRM, I came across the problem with vSphere Replication that

no element found line 1 column 0 

in its VAMI console i.e https:\\vSphereReplicationIP:5480.

Its there because one vSphere Replication Appliance can only be registered with one vCenter Server and once it is done , if somehow there is error in the communication between vCenter & vSphere Replication Server you"ll end up getting this error.

How I resolved this.

1. Removed the solution user present in users and group for the designated vSphere Replication Appliance.
Solution User will be like : com.vmware.vr-UUID of vcenter Server.

2. Try and reinstall the certificates of vSphere Replication from VAMI console.

3. Now it should work.


  1. Most of the times, it worked for me.
    I have'nt came across any other solution then this in my case.
    Better post your query on

  2. If any have the same problem.

    1. you need to renew the certificate with the fully qualified domain name from your vcenter server at LookupService Address like https://FQDN:7444/lookupservice/sdk

    enter your SSO Administrator and passwort, klick on Generate and install at "Install a new SSL Certificate"

    2. After first step is done you'll receive an error message and the service wont start up. You need to klick on Save and Restart, a message pop up to accept the cerificate because it's not trusted.

    klick accept and nothing more! The service wont start up again!

    3. Power off the VRA in vsphere client not vcenter! Hard power off, not restart!

    4. Power on the VRA in Vcenter Appliance! Not in vsphere client !!

    Now anything should work

    Good luck

    My next step because of a lot problems with vcenter replication is installing veeam
