Thursday, 19 May 2016

You are running esx through an incompatible hypervisor(Testing Only)

I was doing some test on ESXi(VM) and frequently getting this error while I am trying to power ON a virtual machine.

After a lot of work around , resolved this error by adding some advanced parameters into the file.

Given below is the workaround

  1. ssh into the ESXi machine
  2. On ESXi run –‘esxcli system settings advanced set -o /Net/FollowHardwareMac -i 1’
  3. Run ‘vi /etc/vmware/config’.
  4. Add the following to the file ‘vmx.allowNested = "TRUE"’ and save.
  5. Run ‘/sbin/’. Ignore any warnings.
This flag enables powering on Nested VMs on ESXi.

Note: It worked for me.(Use at your own risk).

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